Publisher Specific Product Selector API

See how the API works

This form performs actual queries against the API. You can use this form to get an idea about how the API works and the sort of responses that are returned.

Click here to prepopulate the form with a sample request.

try '123acp' for ACP rates and '123apn' for APN rates
Are you including a sample with your lodgement?
How many items do you want to send (per lodgement)?
in millimetres (mm)
in millimetres (mm)
in millimetres (mm)
in grams (g)
What time of day do you wish to lodge?
Is the lodgement sorted in ascending postcode order?
Is the lodgement sorted in delivery sequence order?
Does the lodgement have a Statement of Accuracy?
what format do you want the response to be in?