Example Request

Field name Param Type Required Example Description
tracking_code string

Must provide either a tracking code

tpid string

The TPID of the merchant account that is creating the label

receiver_email string

The receivers email

receiver_first_name string

The receivers first name

receiver_last_name string

The receivers last name

collection_location_id string

The location id of the Loctor Location where the parcel will be collected from. Required if subscription_category is 'collection'

subscription_category string

Either 'all_events' or 'collection'. Use all_events if the merchant should be notified for all parcel events.

webhook_url string

The Merchant's webhook URL. You can override the default value here (for this subscription only)

private_api_key string

Example Response

{"success" : "true"}

Types of Response

Response Type Status Code
Success 200
Invalid Request 400
Unauthorised Request 401
Unexpected Error 500